Projects to which I have contributed

I spent quite a bit of time over a couple of years working on this package, as did 10 - 20 other software engineers across five other institutions (though the majority of the software was written at the Broad Institute. My work included most of the graphics, the molecular spreadsheet, assorted UI development, as well as a fair bit of architectural development.

In this case I integrated a graphical widget which was in fact written by a different engineer (Kane Hadley). The purpose of this plot is to show the relative degree of expression for a single gene across multiple tissue types in both cancerous and noncancerous conditions. The data come from the well known GTEX project

The Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal, which attempts to draw conclusions about the impact of a select set of small molecules on a large number of different cancer subtypes. My work on this project was mostly limited to graphics development. Note that an earlier version of the portal also exists (for which I did nothing at all).

I originally created a software package called "Chalice" back in 2004 for the company then called 'CombinatoRx'. I later parted ways with this little Boston-based startup company but they retained the software I had written for them and in fact they eventually pushed it forward quite a bit, so I can now claim no more than partial authorship the software as it stands now.

Here's a listing of recent peer-reviewed publications. I am the lead author on exactly none of these, but I contributed work to all of them.